Friday, September 13, 2013

Beyond Cholesterol .... 14 Ways to Lower Triglycerides .... CMM Herbal Products In Pakistan

When Triglycerides Inch Up

Maybe you've put on a few extra pounds. Now your yearly blood work comes back showing high triglycerides. These fats are an important source of energy in your body, but at high levels they can hurt your heart. Like cholesterol, triglyceride troubles can lead to clogged arteries and possibly to a heart attack or stroke. Luckily, there are many ways to lower your triglycerides.

Why Triglycerides Matter

High triglycerides can be part of an unhealthy condition called metabolic syndrome. Other parts of this illness can include:

  • Low HDL good Cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Belly fat
  • High Blood Sugar

Metabolic syndrome greatly increases your chances of developing heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Look at How You Eat

That creamy latte, grilled cheese sandwich, or scoop of ice cream before bed can all lead to high triglycerides. If you often eat more calories than you burn - like many of us do - your triglycerides may start to inch up. The worst offenders are sugary foods and foods high in saturated fat, like cheese, whole milk, and red meat.

Say No to Sugar

If you have high triglycerides, get your sweet tooth in check. Simple sugars, especially fructose (a sugar often found in fruit), raise triglycerides. Watch out for foods made with added sugar, including soda, baked goodies, candy, most breakfast cereals, flavored yogurt, and ice cream.

Uncover Hidden Sugar

Learn to spot added sugars on food labels. Words to look for include brown sugar, corn syrup, words ending in "ose" (dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose), fruit juice concentrates, cane syrup, cane sugar, honey, malt sugar, molasses, and raw sugar.

Focus on Fiber

Swap out foods made with refined white flour, and bring on the whole grains. You'll eat more fiber, which helps lower your triglycerides. For breakfast, have a bowl of steel-cut oats with berries instead of a bagel or sweet cereal. At lunchtime, try a salad loaded with veggies and garbanzo beans. Choose brown rice or quinoa at dinner instead of potatoes or pasta.

Eat the Right Fat

A little fat is good for you, when it's the healthy kind. Choose foods that naturally contain mono- and polyunsaturated fats: avocados, walnuts, chicken without the skin, canola oil, and olive oil. Avoid trans fats, which are found in many processed foods, French fries, crackers, cakes, chips, and stick margarine. Don't eat much saturated fat, found in red meat, ice cream, cheese, and buttery baked goods.

Choose Fish Instead of Red Meat

The same omega-3 fats that are good for your heart can help lower your triglycerides, too. Next time you eat out, get the fish instead of a burger or steak. Eat fish at least twice a week. Salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, albacore tuna, and sardines are all high in omega-3s.

Eat Your Nuts and Greens

Other good sources of omega-3s:

  • Walnuts
  • Flaxseeds
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Salad Greens
  • Beans

Do You Need an Omega-3 Supplement?

Ask your doctor. Capsules can give you a concentrated amount of omega-3s, but not everyone needs them. You may be able to lower triglycerides by making healthier choices in your life. And high doses of omega-3s can cause bleeding in some people. If your doctor says it's OK, look for capsules with EPA and DHA, two powerful types of omega-3.

Cut Back on Alcohol

Do you unwind with wine, beer, or a cocktail? Switch to sparkling water with a squeeze of lime juice. Or try a tangy herbal iced-tea blend that tastes great without added sugar. Excess drinking is one cause of high triglycerides. That means more than one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men. For some people, even small amounts of alcohol can raise triglycerides.

Skip the Sweet Drinks

One of the easiest things you can do to lower your triglycerides is to cut out sweetened drinks. Sodas and other sugary drinks are packed with fructose, a known offender when it comes to boosting triglycerides. Drink no more than 36 ounces of sweet sippers per week -- that means three 12-ounce cans of soda.

Lose Weight

Extra weight, particularly around your waist, raises triglycerides. One of the biggest things you can do to bring your levels down is to take it off. It doesn't have to be dramatic, either. Are you a chubby 150 pounds? Lose just seven to 15 pounds and your triglycerides can drop dramatically.

Get Moving

If you're carrying around a few extra pounds, starting regular workouts can get you in shape and lower your triglycerides at the same time. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise five days a week, and be sure to break a sweat and get your heart pumping. You can cut your triglycerides by 20% to 30%. If you're new to exercise, try a dance class, go for a swim, or take a brisk walk each day.

Get a Checkup

A simple blood test can spot high triglycerides. Your doctor may also look for related health problems. These include kidney disease, a slow thyroid gland, diabetes, and obesity. Here's how triglyceride test numbers stack up:

  • Normal - less than 150 mg/DL
  • Borderline - 150-199 mg/DL
  • High - 200-499 mg/DL
  • Very High - 500 mg/DL and UP [1]

When Habits Need a Helping Hand

If lifestyle changes haven't helped enough, your doctor may suggest adding a prescription medicine. Fibrates, niacin, statins, and high-dose fish oil are a few of the options. Your doctor will look at all your blood fats -- triglycerides and all types of cholesterol -- to decide the best way to protect your heart.

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individuals circumstances. It is not a subsitute for professional medical advice, diagonosis or treatment and should not be relied on to make decisions about your health. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on this BLOG. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immidiately call your doctor...

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As the WHO points out, “people don’t die of disease , but die of ignorance.”
Cause calcium is the foundation of life. Lowering of calcium leads to various organs’ function decline and even life-threatening. Human natural lifespan is more than 120 years old, but when people are around 70 years old, cause long-term calcium deficiency, people will die.

1.  What diseases will be caused by calcium deficiency? 
According to data analysis from WHO: among the 135 underlying diseases, more than 120 of them are associated with calcium deficiency, such as Osteoporosis, osteoproliferation hypertension, cardiovascular disease, arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, lithiasis, anaphylactic disease, hepatic pathological changes, nephrotic syndrome, premenstrual syndrome and some other cancers.

2.  Can CMM Calcium (L-Aspartic Amino Acid Chelated Clcium) reduce the blood sugar of diabetes patients?
Yes, CMM calcium itself is not antidiabetic medication, but it can assist to reduce blood glucose by improving the synthesis and secretion of insulin, improving the sensitivity of the insulin receptor and so on, among diabetes patients who have taken CMM calcium, most people’s blood glucose drops gradually and steadily. They can lessen the intake of anti-diabetes medication or even stop after taking CMM products.

3.  Can regular calcium supplement prevent heart disease?
Yes, a new research shows, calcium supplement can help lower blood pressure of patients with hypertension significantly. It not only can prevent hypertension, but also can prevent heart disease.

4.  Can calcium prevent arteriosclerosis?
Yes! New research from USA and some other countries shows: calcium supplement can help decrease excessive blood pressure to normal level.

5.  Does calcium supplement have beautifying effects?
After taking CMM calcium?many people show that their face rosy and skin supple and soft. calcium supplement can inhibit generation of wrinkle, control senile plaque, calcium can also help to make hair keep normal luster.

6.  Why calcium supplement is critically important to pregnant women?
Calcium deficiency can cause skeleton and teeth agenesis, calcium deficiency can also cause newborn teething delay. Rickets will happen easily. It also affects the children’s future intellectual growth. At the same time, newborn who is lack of calcium have weak immune system?most of them are feeble and sick.

7.  Why can intake of CMM calcium before sleep help the children to grow tall?
Clinically proved, for the children, during sleeping, endocrinium shows its most active, it also releases most growth hormone. Growth hormone is catalyst that help children to grow tall, at this time with the intake of L-Aspartic Amino Acid Chelated Calcium, it can accelerate bone calcification and maturity, and children will grow taller.

8.  Can patients with sequela of apoplexy take CMM calcium?
Yes .modern science research shows that, calcium deficiency and metabolic calcium disorder are important factors which cause hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Patients with arteriosclerosis or hypertension once had cerebrovascular accident will be hemiplegic, have language disorders or suffer Vascular dementia. Sufficient calcium supplement can improve brain microcirculation, then this can prevent recurrence of cerebral apoplexy.

9.  Is CMM calcium in favor of tumor patient?
According to the report from USA: big amount intake of calcium gives amazing cure rate to colon cancer patients.

Mechanism as follows

Cancer tissue is an acid environment, calcium is alkaline substance. With calcium supplement, a neutral zone will be formed in some parts, and this can inhibit cancer cell growth, then supply a good condition which is suitable for normal cells.
Calcium can improve antibody-forming, enhance body immunity, strengthen the ability to identify and clean cancer cells.

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