Sunday, October 20, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) .... CMM Herbal Food Supplements In Pakistan

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body is mistakenly attacked by its own immune system. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause inflammation of the tissue around the joints, as well as in other organs in the body. Because it can affect multiple organs of the body, rheumatoid arthritis is referred to as a systemic illness and is sometimes called rheumatoid disease. While rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic illness, meaning it can last for years, patients may experience long periods without symptoms. Typically, however, rheumatoid arthritis is a progressive illness that has the potential to cause joint destruction and functional disability.

Who Is at Risk for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common rheumatic disease, affecting approximately 1.3 million people in the United States, according to current census data. The disease is three times more common in women as in men. It afflicts people of all races equally. The disease can begin at any age, but it most often starts after age 40 and before 60. In some families, multiple members can be affected, suggesting a genetic basis for the disorder.

What Is Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) is arthritis that causes joint inflammation and stiffness for more than six weeks in a child 16 years of age or younger. It affects approximately 50,000 children in the United States. Inflammation causes redness, swelling, warmth, and soreness in the joints, although many children with JRA do not complain of joint pain. Any joint can be affected, and inflammation may limit the mobility of affected joints.

What Is the Difference Between Normal, Healthy Joints and Arthritic Joints?

A joint is where two bones meet to allow movement of body parts. Arthritis means joint inflammation. The joint inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis causes swelling, pain, stiffness, and redness in the joints. The inflammation of rheumatoid disease can also occur in tissues around the joints, such as the tendons, ligaments, and muscles. In some patients with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic inflammation leads to the destruction of the cartilage, bone, and ligaments, causing deformity of the joints. Damage to the joints can occur early in the disease and progress as the individual ages.

What causes rheumatoid arthritis?

The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. Even though infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi have long been suspected, none has been proven as the cause. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is a very active area of worldwide research. Some scientists believe that the tendency to develop rheumatoid arthritis may be genetically inherited. It is suspected that certain infections or factors in the environment might trigger the immune system to attack the body's own tissues in susceptible individuals, resulting in inflammation in various organs of the body including the joints. Environmental factors also seem to play some role in causing rheumatoid arthritis. Recently, scientists have reported that smoking tobacco increases the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

Remission, Relapse, and Flares

The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis come and go, depending on the degree of tissue inflammation. When body tissues are inflamed, the disease is active. When tissue inflammation subsides, the disease is inactive (in remission). Remissions can occur spontaneously or with treatment and can last weeks, months, or years. During remissions, symptoms of the disease disappear and patients generally feel well. When the disease becomes active again (relapse), symptoms return. The return of disease activity and symptoms is called a flare. The course of rheumatoid arthritis varies from patient to patient, and periods of flares and remissions are typical.

What Are the Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

When the disease is active, symptoms can include fatigue, lack of appetite, low-grade fever, muscle and joint aches, and stiffness. Muscle and joint stiffness are usually most notable in the morning and after periods of inactivity. Arthritis is common during disease flares. Also during flares, joints frequently become red, swollen, painful, and tender. This occurs because the lining tissue of the joint (synovium) becomes inflamed, resulting in the production of excessive joint fluid (synovial fluid). The synovium also thickens with inflammation (synovitis).

What Are the Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis? (cont.)

In rheumatoid arthritis, multiple joints are usually inflamed in a symmetrical pattern (both sides of the body affected). The small joints of both the hands and wrists are often involved. Simple tasks of daily living, such as turning door knobs and opening jars can become difficult during flares. The small joints of the feet are also commonly involved. Chronic inflammation can cause damage to body tissues, cartilage, and bone. This leads to a loss of cartilage and erosion and weakness of the bones as well as the muscles, resulting in joint deformity, destruction, and loss of function.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Inflammation of Organs

Since rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease, its inflammation can affect organs and areas of the body other than the joints. Examples of other areas that may be affected include the following:

  • Sjorgen's syndrome is the result of inflammation of the glands of the eyes and mouth and causes dryness of these areas.
  • Rheumatoid inflammation of the lung lining (Pleuritis) causes chest pain with deep breathing or coughing.
  • Tissue inflammation surrounding the heart, called pericarditis, can cause chest pain that typically changes in intensity when lying down or leaning forward.
  • Rheumatoid disease can reduce the number of red blood cells (Anemia) and white blood cells.
  • Decreased white cells can be associated with an enlarged spleen (Felty's syndrome) and can increase the risk of infections.
  • Firm lumps under the skin (rheumatoid nodules) can occur around the elbows and fingers where there is frequent pressure.
  • A rare and serious complication is blood-vessel inflammation (vasculitis). Vasculitis can impair blood supply to tissues and lead to tissue death. This is most often initially visible as tiny black areas around the nail beds or as leg ulcers.

Who is a rheumatologist?

A rheumatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the nonsurgical treatment of rheumatic illnesses, especially arthritis. Rheumatologists have special interests in unexplained rash, fever, arthritis, anemia, weakness, weight loss, fatigue, joint or muscle pain, autoimmune disease, and anorexia. They often serve as consultants, acting like detectives for other doctors. Rheumatologists have particular skills in the evaluation of the over 100 forms of arthritis and have special interest in rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid syndrome, Still disease, dermatomyositis, Sjogren's syndrome, vasculitis, scleroderma, mixed connective tissue disease, sarcoidosis, Lyme disease, osteomyelitis, osteoarthritis, back pain, gout, pseudogout, relapsing polychondritis, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, serum sickness, reactive arthritis, Kawasaki disease, fibromyalgia, erythromelalgia, Raynaud's disease, growing pains, iritis, osteoporosis, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and others.

How Is Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosed?

The first step in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is a meeting between the doctor and patient. A doctor with special training in arthritis and related diseases is called a rheumatologist. The doctor reviews the history of symptoms, examines the joints for inflammation and deformity, the skin for rheumatoid nodules, and other parts of the body for inflammation. Certain blood and X-ray tests are often obtained. The diagnosis will be based on the pattern of symptoms, the distribution of the inflamed joints, and the blood and X-ray findings. Several visits may be necessary before the doctor can be certain of the diagnosis. The distribution of joint inflammation is important to the doctor in making a diagnosis. In rheumatoid arthritis, the small joints of the hands, wrists, feet, and knees are typically inflamed in a symmetrical distribution (affecting both sides of the body). When only one or two joints are inflamed, the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis becomes more difficult. The doctor may then perform other tests which 'are described on the next slides.

RA Diagnostic Test: Citrulline Antibody Test

Abnormal blood antibodies can be found in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A blood antibody called "rheumatoid factor" can be found in 80% of patients. Citrulline antibody is present in most patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It is useful in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis when evaluating patients with unexplained joint inflammation. A test for citrulline antibodies is most helpful in detecting the cause of previously undiagnosed inflammatory arthritis when the traditional blood test for rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid factor, is not present. Citrulline antibodies are also indicators of potentially more aggressive disease. Citrulline antibodies have been felt to represent the earlier stages of rheumatoid arthritis in this setting. Another antibody called "the antinuclear antibody" (ANA) is also frequently found in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

RA Diagnostic Test: Sedimentation Rate (Sed Rate)

A blood test called the sedimentation rate (sed rate) is a measure of how fast red blood cells fall to the bottom of a test tube. The sed rate is used as a crude measure of inflammation of the joints. The sed rate is usually faster from inflammation such as during disease flares and slower during remissions. Another blood test that is used to measure the degree of inflammation present in the body is the C-reactive protein. The rheumatoid factor, ANA, sed rate, and C-reactive protein tests can also be abnormal in other systemic autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. Therefore, abnormalities in these blood tests alone are not sufficient for a firm diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

RA Diagnostic Test: Joint X-rays

Joint X-rays may be normal or only show swelling of soft tissues early in the disease. As the disease progresses, X-rays can show bony erosions typical of rheumatoid arthritis in the joints. Joint X-rays can also be helpful in monitoring the progression of disease and joint damage over time. Bone scanning, a radioactive test procedure, and MRI scanning can demonstrate inflamed or eroded joints.

RA Diagnostic Test: Arthrocentesis

The doctor may elect to perform an office procedure called arthrocentesis. In this procedure, a sterile needle and syringe are used to drain fluid out of the joint for study in the laboratory. Analysis of the joint fluid can help to exclude other causes of arthritis, such as infection and gout. Arthrocentesis can also be helpful in relieving joint swelling and pain. Occasionally, cortisone medications are injected into the joint during the arthrocentesis in order to rapidly relieve joint inflammation and further reduce symptoms.

Why Are Rest and Exercise Important?

A balance of rest and exercise is important in treating rheumatoid arthritis. During

 flare-ups (worsening of joint inflammation), it is best to rest joints that are inflamed.

 When joint inflammation is decreased, guided exercise programs can be helpful to

 maintain flexibility of the joints and to strengthen the muscles that surround the joints.

Is Surgery an Option for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Surgery may be recommended to restore joint mobility or repair damaged joints. Doctors who specialize in joint surgery are orthopedic surgeons. The types of joint surgery range from arthroscopy (insertion of a tubelike instrument into the joint to see and repair abnormal tissues) to partial and complete replacement of the joint. Total joint replacement is a surgical procedure whereby a destroyed joint is replaced with artificial materials. For example, the small joints of the hand can be replaced with plastic material. Large joints, such as the hips or knees, are replaced with metals.

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individuals circumstances. It is not a subsitute for professional medical advice, diagonosis or treatment and should not be relied on to make decisions about your health. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on this BLOG. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immidiately call your doctor...

Recommended CMM's Herbal Food Supplements for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) .....

CMM Magnesium + Calcium (Herbal)

Magnesium is essential mineral for staying healthy. Total magnesium content is around 25 g in the body, in which 60%-65% are stored in bone, teeth, 27% are distributed in soft tissue. Magnesium plays a vital important role in human metabolism. It is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. On the other hand, magnesium aids in the absorption of calcium by the body.

1.  Magnesium may reverse osteoporosis Multiple research studies conducted have suggested that calcium supplemented with magnesium improves bone mineral density. Magnesium deficiency alters calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, resulting in osteoporosis. Intake of proper levels of magnesium is important because it averts osteoporosis.

2. Magnesium prevents cardiovascular diseases. One of the most important benefits of magnesium is that it is associated with lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases. Dietary surveys have suggested that sufficient magnesium intake may reduce the chance of having a stroke. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which increases the risk of complications after a heart attack. Therefore, consuming proper amount of magnesium supplements may be beneficial to the cardiovascular system.

3. Magnesium regulates high blood pressure(hypertension). magnesium plays a key role in regulating blood pressure naturally. Magnesium supplements are consistently associated with lowering blood pressure.

4.  Magnesium aids to treat diabetes. Studies show that individuals with a magnesium deficiency have a risk of developing type-2diabetes and severe diabetic retinopathy. Magnesium aids in carbohydrate metabolism and influences the release and activity of insulin, thereby controlling blood glucose levels. It has been proven that for every 100 mg of increase in magnesium daily intake, there was a 15% decrease in the risk of developing type-2diabetes.

5. Magnesium aids to treat migraines, insomnia, and depression. The numerous magnesium health benefits also include the assisting treatment of migraines ,insomnia, and symptoms of depression. Magnesium is also known to aid to cure severe forms of psychiatric dysfunctions including panic attacks, stress, anxiety, and undue agitations.

With great help of Beijing technical center, Chinese academy of sciences of veteran experts, Xiaguang engineering of The Chinese academy of science Brilliant Research Center has consummated technology research of this product. With support of modern advanced nanotechnology, in the form of machining process with physics method, magnesium ion and calcium ion are chelated. It provides magnesium supplement of high quality for group of people which are magnesium deficiency. This product has obtained National Invention Patent, Patent No.2010587299.

CMM L Asphartic Acid Nano Chelated Calcium(Herbal)

L Asphartic Acid Nano Chelated Calcium (Herbal)

As the WHO points out, “people don’t die of disease , but die of ignorance.”
Cause calcium is the foundation of life. Lowering of calcium leads to various organs’ function decline and even life-threatening. Human natural lifespan is more than 120 years old, but when people are around 70 years old, cause long-term calcium deficiency, people will die.

1.  What diseases will be caused by calcium deficiency? 
According to data analysis from WHO: among the 135 underlying diseases, more than 120 of them are associated with calcium deficiency, such as Osteoporosis, osteoproliferation hypertension, cardiovascular disease, arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, lithiasis, anaphylactic disease, hepatic pathological changes, nephrotic syndrome, premenstrual syndrome and some other cancers.

2.  Can CMM Calcium (L-Aspartic Amino Acid Chelated Clcium) reduce the blood sugar of diabetes patients?
Yes, CMM calcium itself is not antidiabetic medication, but it can assist to reduce blood glucose by improving the synthesis and secretion of insulin, improving the sensitivity of the insulin receptor and so on, among diabetes patients who have taken CMM calcium, most people’s blood glucose drops gradually and steadily. They can lessen the intake of anti-diabetes medication or even stop after taking CMM products.

3.  Can regular calcium supplement prevent heart disease?
Yes, a new research shows, calcium supplement can help lower blood pressure of patients with hypertension significantly. It not only can prevent hypertension, but also can prevent heart disease.

4.  Can calcium prevent arteriosclerosis?
Yes! New research from USA and some other countries shows: calcium supplement can help decrease excessive blood pressure to normal level.

5.  Does calcium supplement have beautifying effects?
After taking CMM calcium?many people show that their face rosy and skin supple and soft. calcium supplement can inhibit generation of wrinkle, control senile plaque, calcium can also help to make hair keep normal luster.

6.  Why calcium supplement is critically important to pregnant women?
Calcium deficiency can cause skeleton and teeth agenesis, calcium deficiency can also cause newborn teething delay. Rickets will happen easily. It also affects the children’s future intellectual growth. At the same time, newborn who is lack of calcium have weak immune system?most of them are feeble and sick.

7.  Why can intake of CMM calcium before sleep help the children to grow tall?
Clinically proved, for the children, during sleeping, endocrinium shows its most active, it also releases most growth hormone. Growth hormone is catalyst that help children to grow tall, at this time with the intake of L-Aspartic Amino Acid Chelated Calcium, it can accelerate bone calcification and maturity, and children will grow taller.

8.  Can patients with sequela of apoplexy take CMM calcium?
Yes .modern science research shows that, calcium deficiency and metabolic calcium disorder are important factors which cause hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Patients with arteriosclerosis or hypertension once had cerebrovascular accident will be hemiplegic, have language disorders or suffer Vascular dementia. Sufficient calcium supplement can improve brain microcirculation, then this can prevent recurrence of cerebral apoplexy.

9.  Is CMM calcium in favor of tumor patient?
According to the report from USA: big amount intake of calcium gives amazing cure rate to colon cancer patients.

Mechanism as follows

Cancer tissue is an acid environment, calcium is alkaline substance. With calcium supplement, a neutral zone will be formed in some parts, and this can inhibit cancer cell growth, then supply a good condition which is suitable for normal cells.
Calcium can improve antibody-forming, enhance body immunity, strengthen the ability to identify and clean cancer cells.

Cordyceps Calcium

Cordyceps militaris is a rare Chinese herbal medicine and is listed as one of China’ s three tonics with ginseng and cartialgenous. odern science found that Chinese cordyceps militaris has much more magical effects, Chinese cordyceps militaris not only has regulating function to various organs of the human bodies, but alssome direct resistance functions.

1. Resist internal tumour, clear up oldest dead cell tissue, beat back external virus, bacterium and some other microbial infection.

2. Directly resist tumour Extractive of cordyceps militaris has definite function to restrain and kill tumour cells. Cordyceps contains cordycepin which is the base to resist the tumour. Clinically cordycepin is mostly used to assist to cure cancer.91.7% of the patients’ symptoms have remitted, it is mainly used to help cure rhinocarcinoma, oropharyngeal cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, cerebral cancer and other patients with malignant tumor.

3. Increase cells energy and resist fatigue.

4. Regulate heart function Cordyceps millitaris can improve myocardial anxic tolerance, reduce Cardiac oxygen consumption. Resist arrhythmia.

5. Regulate liver function Cordyceps millitaris can reduce harm from toxic substances, prevent the occurrence of liver fibrosis. In addition, by regulating immune function, cordyceps can also help to enhance anti-virus ability and can also play an important role in preventing viral hepatitis.

6. Regulate respiratory system function Cordyceps millitaris has the function of dilating the bronchial tube, relieving asthma, eliminating phlegm, preventing emphysema.

7. Regulate kidney function Cordyceps millitaris can relieve chronic renal lesions, improve kidney function, relieve the harm from toxic substances to the kidney.
8. Regulate hematopoiesis function Cordyceps millitaris can enhance the marrow ability to generate platelet, red blood cell, white blood cell.

9. Regulate blood fat Cordyceps millitaris can reduce the content of cholesterol and triglyceride in blood, improve high-density lipoprotein which is beneficial to humans, reduce atherosderosis.

Cordyceps millitaris Aspartic Acid Chelated Calcium makes a perfect combination of calcium and cordyceps. Active ingredients are collected from cordyceps sporocarp. With advanced nanominiaturization and spray drying technology, calcium and L-acid are chelated together, the products are of good water-solubility, structural-stable, easy absorbed by human.

Free Delivery any where in Pakistan.                                                                                               CMM Bio Tech International's Registered Distributor:                                               Khawaja Muhammad Nasir .                                                                                                          Tel: 0320 2062901                


Pelvic Pain....What's Causing Your Pelvic Pain.... CMM Herbal Food Supplements In Pakistan

What Is Pelvic Pain?

Pelvic pain (pain below the belly button in the anterior lower abdomen including the sex organs) may develop from many diseases and conditions. For example, pelvic pain may come from normal menstruation, appendicitis, bladder problems; and may be associated with both benign and emergency medical conditions. For most people, pelvic pain should be investigated by a medical professional. The following slides will present some of the causes of pelvic pain.


Inflammation or infection of the appendix (appendicitis) often produces lower right-sided pelvic or abdominal pain that may occur along with nausea, vomiting, and fever. An infected appendix needs to be removed by a surgeon because it may perforate (burst) and infect the peritoneum and cause life-threatening peritonitis.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Symptoms of painful cramps in the pelvic and abdominal area, bloating, constipation or diarrhea that may occur off and on over time is often caused by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is a chronic functional disease with recurrent symptoms. Changes in diet, stress management, and medications are used to treat the symptoms of IBS.

Painful Ovulation (Mittelschmerz)

Short-term (hours) pelvic pain that occurs during ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary) is termed mittelschmerz, a German word meaning "middle pain." This pain occurs just prior to, and during ovulation as the membrane that covers the ovary stretches to release the egg. The blood and fluid that are released during ovulation also may cause discomfort or pain. The pain varies from woman to woman and may last minutes to hours. The pain eventually resolves without medical treatment and usually does not require emergency medical intervention.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

In contrast to painful ovulation described previously, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) usually involves longer term (days before menstruation occurs) pelvic pain and discomfort outside the pelvic area such as low back pain, headaches, and tender breasts. Medications, along with lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, stress management) may often reduce PMS symptoms. The slide shows a chart that illustrates the various hormones that increase and decrease during a woman's normal monthly menstrual cycle.

Menstrual Cramps

Primary menstrual cramps is pelvic pain that occurs when the uterus contracts to remove the blood and endometrial lining that accumulates monthly when an embryo is not implanted in the uterus. The pains may last about 1 to 7 days during a female's menstrual cycle. Medication, home remedies (OTC medication, heating pads, etc.), lifestyle changes (for example, regular exercise, sufficient sleep), may reduce these symptoms. Secondary menstrual cramps (secondary dysmenorrhea) are caused by other conditions or diseases, not regular menstruation (for example, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease).

Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is growth of an embryo outside of the uterus; it can cause sharp pelvic pain, usually on one side of the body, and may be accompanied by vaginal bleeding, nausea, and dizziness. Ectopic pregnancy, if detected early may be medically treated, but if bleeding or a Fallopian tube ruptures, it is a medical emergency that requires surgery.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an inflammatory and infectious disease, and is a complication of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) such as gonorrhea. PID can cause damage to the Fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the uterus. Pelvic pain that radiates to the abdomen, an abnormal vaginal discharge, and pain during intercourse or urination are common symptoms. Although antibiotics may cure PID, some women may require surgery. If PID is untreated, it can cause infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pelvic pain.

Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled areas within the ovary formed by fluid that accumulates when a follicle fails to release an egg, or when the follicle recloses after egg release. There are several types of ovarian cysts. Common symptoms include sharp pelvic pain, irregular menstruation, pelvic pressure, or pain after intercourse. Pelvic pain and painful urination may occur especially with large cysts; although most cysts resolve on their own, some may require treatment with prescription medications or surgery to remove the cyst(s).

Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids are tumors that grow in the uterine wall that are almost never cancerous (benign tumors or growths). Some uterine fibroids cause pelvic pain (mild, moderate, or severe), pain during intercourse, pelvic pressure pain, and may interfere with a woman’s ability conceive. Uterine fibroids are most common in women in their 30s and 40s. Women that have symptoms should consult their OB/GYN doctor. Treatment may include medication for symptoms or surgical removal.


Endometriosis is growth of the endometrial tissue (uterine tissue) in areas outside the uterus. This tissue may attach to many other organs such as the ovaries, bladder, or intestines. This tissue breaks down monthly just like normal endometrial tissue, but the tissue remnants and some blood is retained in the pelvis or abdomen and may cause periodic pelvic and abdominal pain. Treatment is with medication to reduce symptoms; sometimes surgery is required. Endometriosis may also increase a woman's ability to conceive.

Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) may cause pelvic pain, but usually has associated painful urination (dysuria), frequent urge to urinate, and lower pelvic pressure. UTI's that involve the kidney may have flank pain in addition to fever and nausea. Almost all UTI's can be effectively treated with antibiotics, but delays in treatment can result in kidney damage.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are composed of crystals that usually form in the kidneys or ureters (the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder); most are very small but some can be as big as a golf ball. Most small stones cause intense flank and pelvic pain as they irritate the ureters as they pass through them. The urine may contain blood caused by the kidney stone irritating the tissue in the kidney or ureter. Although most stones smaller than 6mm pass spontaneously, they do so with a great deal of pain. Some stones, especially if they are causing an obstruction, may require a urologist to evaluate the patient because the stones may need to be broken up or removed surgically.

Interstitial Cystitis (IC)

Chronic mid-pelvic recurrent pelvic pain is a sign of interstitial cystitis (IC). Pressure and pain in the pelvic area, the urge to urinate, painful urination, and pain during intercourse also may occur. Although the cause of IC is unknown, there are medications to reduce the symptoms. Like uterine fibroids described previously, IC occurs mainly in women aged 30 to 40, and the cause is unknown

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Although sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) do not always cause pelvic pain, if a person develops pelvic pain and has an STD, the pain suggests that complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease, described previously may be developing. The most common STDs are chlamydia and gonorrhea. Recently, some strains of bacteria that cause gonorrhea have developed multiple drug resistance and have become very difficult to treat with antibiotics.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic prolapse is a condition where a pelvic organ such as the bladder or uterus drops into a lower than normal position and in some instances protrude into the vaginal canal. This condition results in pelvic pain that is pressure-like and may include vaginal and back pressure. Usually there is pain with sex. This condition may occur in older women; treatments range from techniques to strengthen pelvic musculature to surgery.

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

Pelvic congestion syndrome occurs when pelvic veins become swollen and painful due to low blood flow, just like varicose veins that can develop in the legs. The pelvic pain caused by these veins usually increases with sitting or standing and may be reduced by lying down flat. The treatment may involve medication or embolization (stoppage of blood flow to the affected vein).

Scar Tissue (Abdominal Adhesions)

Scar tissue (also termed abdominal adhesions) forms after abdominal surgery and may make tight connections between organs and other body tissues in the abdomen. Scar tissue may form after any type of abdominal surgery (for example, hysterectomy, C-section, appendectomy). It can cause pelvic and abdominal pain and even compromise blood flow. Some individuals require surgery to remove these adhesions.

Vulvodynia (Vaginal Pain)

Vulvodynia (vaginal pain) is chronic vulvar pain that includes throbbing, aching, or burning pain in the area around the vulva and vaginal opening. Women also may experience vaginal itching. The pain may be constant or intermittent and is often worsened during sex or when pressure is placed on the vaginal area (bicycle riding, for example). The diagnosis is made by excluding other pelvic pain causes because the cause of vulvodynia is unknown. Treatment is symptom reduction; methods range from home remedies, prescription medication, biofeedback, exercises, and nerve blocks.

Pain During Sex

Pelvic pain during sex (dyspareunia) has been discussed as a symptom in most of the conditions described previously. Other causes of painful intercourse not discussed previously include vaginal dryness or atrophy that occurs during menopause or changes in sexual behavior. Diagnosis and treatment of the causative condition usually will reduce or stop pelvic pain that occurs during sex (for example, vaginal estrogen creams or rings to increase vaginal lubrication during menopause). However, some individuals have no medical condition diagnosed as the cause of painful intercourse may benefit from consultation with a qualified sex therapist.

Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain is often defined as pelvic pain that occurs below the belly button for 6 or more months. It usually interferes with sleep, it may increase or decrease daily or change due to some specific stimulus or position, and it may interfere with sexual relations. Seeking medical help to obtain a diagnosis and appropriate treatments are the key to diagnosing the cause and resolving chronic pelvic pain.

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individuals circumstances. It is not a subsitute for professional medical advice, diagonosis or treatment and should not be relied on to make decisions about your health. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on this BLOG. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immidiately call your doctor...

Recommended CMM's Herbal Supplements for Females Health .....

CMM Magnesium + Calcium (Herbal)

Magnesium is essential mineral for staying healthy. Total magnesium content is around 25 g in the body, in which 60%-65% are stored in bone, teeth, 27% are distributed in soft tissue. Magnesium plays a vital important role in human metabolism. It is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. On the other hand, magnesium aids in the absorption of calcium by the body.

1.  Magnesium may reverse osteoporosis Multiple research studies conducted have suggested that calcium supplemented with magnesium improves bone mineral density. Magnesium deficiency alters calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, resulting in osteoporosis. Intake of proper levels of magnesium is important because it averts osteoporosis.

2. Magnesium prevents cardiovascular diseases. One of the most important benefits of magnesium is that it is associated with lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases. Dietary surveys have suggested that sufficient magnesium intake may reduce the chance of having a stroke. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which increases the risk of complications after a heart attack. Therefore, consuming proper amount of magnesium supplements may be beneficial to the cardiovascular system.

3. Magnesium regulates high blood pressure(hypertension). magnesium plays a key role in regulating blood pressure naturally. Magnesium supplements are consistently associated with lowering blood pressure.

4.  Magnesium aids to treat diabetes. Studies show that individuals with a magnesium deficiency have a risk of developing type-2diabetes and severe diabetic retinopathy. Magnesium aids in carbohydrate metabolism and influences the release and activity of insulin, thereby controlling blood glucose levels. It has been proven that for every 100 mg of increase in magnesium daily intake, there was a 15% decrease in the risk of developing type-2diabetes.

5. Magnesium aids to treat migraines, insomnia, and depression. The numerous magnesium health benefits also include the assisting treatment of migraines ,insomnia, and symptoms of depression. Magnesium is also known to aid to cure severe forms of psychiatric dysfunctions including panic attacks, stress, anxiety, and undue agitations.

With great help of Beijing technical center, Chinese academy of sciences of veteran experts, Xiaguang engineering of The Chinese academy of science Brilliant Research Center has consummated technology research of this product. With support of modern advanced nanotechnology, in the form of machining process with physics method, magnesium ion and calcium ion are chelated. It provides magnesium supplement of high quality for group of people which are magnesium deficiency. This product has obtained National Invention Patent, Patent No.2010587299.

CMM L Asphartic Acid Nano Chelated Calcium(Herbal)

L Asphartic Acid Nano Chelated Calcium (Herbal)

As the WHO points out, “people don’t die of disease , but die of ignorance.”
Cause calcium is the foundation of life. Lowering of calcium leads to various organs’ function decline and even life-threatening. Human natural lifespan is more than 120 years old, but when people are around 70 years old, cause long-term calcium deficiency, people will die.

1.  What diseases will be caused by calcium deficiency? 
According to data analysis from WHO: among the 135 underlying diseases, more than 120 of them are associated with calcium deficiency, such as Osteoporosis, osteoproliferation hypertension, cardiovascular disease, arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, lithiasis, anaphylactic disease, hepatic pathological changes, nephrotic syndrome, premenstrual syndrome and some other cancers.

2.  Can CMM Calcium (L-Aspartic Amino Acid Chelated Clcium) reduce the blood sugar of diabetes patients?
Yes, CMM calcium itself is not antidiabetic medication, but it can assist to reduce blood glucose by improving the synthesis and secretion of insulin, improving the sensitivity of the insulin receptor and so on, among diabetes patients who have taken CMM calcium, most people’s blood glucose drops gradually and steadily. They can lessen the intake of anti-diabetes medication or even stop after taking CMM products.

3.  Can regular calcium supplement prevent heart disease?
Yes, a new research shows, calcium supplement can help lower blood pressure of patients with hypertension significantly. It not only can prevent hypertension, but also can prevent heart disease.

4.  Can calcium prevent arteriosclerosis?
Yes! New research from USA and some other countries shows: calcium supplement can help decrease excessive blood pressure to normal level.

5.  Does calcium supplement have beautifying effects?
After taking CMM calcium?many people show that their face rosy and skin supple and soft. calcium supplement can inhibit generation of wrinkle, control senile plaque, calcium can also help to make hair keep normal luster.

6.  Why calcium supplement is critically important to pregnant women?
Calcium deficiency can cause skeleton and teeth agenesis, calcium deficiency can also cause newborn teething delay. Rickets will happen easily. It also affects the children’s future intellectual growth. At the same time, newborn who is lack of calcium have weak immune system?most of them are feeble and sick.

7.  Why can intake of CMM calcium before sleep help the children to grow tall?
Clinically proved, for the children, during sleeping, endocrinium shows its most active, it also releases most growth hormone. Growth hormone is catalyst that help children to grow tall, at this time with the intake of L-Aspartic Amino Acid Chelated Calcium, it can accelerate bone calcification and maturity, and children will grow taller.

8.  Can patients with sequela of apoplexy take CMM calcium?
Yes .modern science research shows that, calcium deficiency and metabolic calcium disorder are important factors which cause hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Patients with arteriosclerosis or hypertension once had cerebrovascular accident will be hemiplegic, have language disorders or suffer Vascular dementia. Sufficient calcium supplement can improve brain microcirculation, then this can prevent recurrence of cerebral apoplexy.

9.  Is CMM calcium in favor of tumor patient?
According to the report from USA: big amount intake of calcium gives amazing cure rate to colon cancer patients.

Mechanism as follows

Cancer tissue is an acid environment, calcium is alkaline substance. With calcium supplement, a neutral zone will be formed in some parts, and this can inhibit cancer cell growth, then supply a good condition which is suitable for normal cells.
Calcium can improve antibody-forming, enhance body immunity, strengthen the ability to identify and clean cancer cells.

Cordyceps Calcium

Cordyceps militaris is a rare Chinese herbal medicine and is listed as one of China’ s three tonics with ginseng and cartialgenous. odern science found that Chinese cordyceps militaris has much more magical effects, Chinese cordyceps militaris not only has regulating function to various organs of the human bodies, but alssome direct resistance functions.

1. Resist internal tumour, clear up oldest dead cell tissue, beat back external virus, bacterium and some other microbial infection.

2. Directly resist tumour Extractive of cordyceps militaris has definite function to restrain and kill tumour cells. Cordyceps contains cordycepin which is the base to resist the tumour. Clinically cordycepin is mostly used to assist to cure cancer.91.7% of the patients’ symptoms have remitted, it is mainly used to help cure rhinocarcinoma, oropharyngeal cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, cerebral cancer and other patients with malignant tumor.

3. Increase cells energy and resist fatigue.

4. Regulate heart function Cordyceps millitaris can improve myocardial anxic tolerance, reduce Cardiac oxygen consumption. Resist arrhythmia.

5. Regulate liver function Cordyceps millitaris can reduce harm from toxic substances, prevent the occurrence of liver fibrosis. In addition, by regulating immune function, cordyceps can also help to enhance anti-virus ability and can also play an important role in preventing viral hepatitis.

6. Regulate respiratory system function Cordyceps millitaris has the function of dilating the bronchial tube, relieving asthma, eliminating phlegm, preventing emphysema.

7. Regulate kidney function Cordyceps millitaris can relieve chronic renal lesions, improve kidney function, relieve the harm from toxic substances to the kidney.
8. Regulate hematopoiesis function Cordyceps millitaris can enhance the marrow ability to generate platelet, red blood cell, white blood cell.

9. Regulate blood fat Cordyceps millitaris can reduce the content of cholesterol and triglyceride in blood, improve high-density lipoprotein which is beneficial to humans, reduce atherosderosis.

Cordyceps millitaris Aspartic Acid Chelated Calcium makes a perfect combination of calcium and cordyceps. Active ingredients are collected from cordyceps sporocarp. With advanced nanominiaturization and spray drying technology, calcium and L-acid are chelated together, the products are of good water-solubility, structural-stable, easy absorbed by human.

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