Thursday, October 17, 2013

19 Habits That Wreck Your Teeth.... CMM Herbal Supplements In Pakistan

Chewing on Ice

It’s natural and sugar free, so you might think ice is harmless. But munching on hard, frozen cubes can chip or even crack your teeth. And if your mindless chomping irritates the soft tissue inside a tooth, regular toothaches may follow. Hot foods and cold foods may trigger quick, sharp jabs of pain or a lingering toothache. Next time you get the urge for ice, chew some sugarless gum instead.

Playing Sports With No Mouth Guard

Whether you play football, hockey, or any other contact sport, don't get in the game without a mouth guard. This is a piece of molded plastic that protects the upper row of teeth. Without it, your teeth could get chipped or even knocked out when the action gets rough. Self-fitting mouth guards may be purchased at a store, or you can have one custom made by your dentist.

Bedtime Bottles

It’s never too early to protect teeth. Giving a baby a bedtime bottle of juice, milk, or formula, can put new teeth on a path to decay. The baby may become used to falling asleep with the bottle in his or her mouth, bathing the teeth in sugars overnight. It's best to keep bottles out of the crib.

Tongue Piercings

Tongue piercings may be trendy, but biting down on the metal stud can crack a tooth. Lip piercings pose a similar risk. And when metal rubs against the gums, it can cause gum damage that may lead to tooth loss. The mouth is also a haven for bacteria, so piercings raise the risk of infections and sores. Bottom line, discuss the health risks with your dentist first.

Grinding Teeth

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can wear teeth down over time. It is most often caused by stress and sleeping habits. This makes it hard to control. Avoiding hard foods during the day can reduce pain and damage from this habit. Wearing a mouth guard at night can prevent grinding while sleeping.

Cough Drops

Just because cough drops are sold in the medicine aisle doesn't mean they’re healthy. Most are loaded with sugar. So after soothing your throat with a lozenge, be sure to brush well. Whether the sugar comes from a cough drop or a hard candy, it reacts with the sticky plaque that coats your teeth. Then bacteria in the plaque convert the sugar into an acid that eats away at tooth enamel. Hello, cavities.

Gummy Candy

All sugary treats promote tooth decay, but some candies are harder to bear. Gummies stick in the teeth, keeping the sugar and resulting acids in contact with your enamel for hours. If your day just isn't the same without a gummy critter, pop a couple during a meal instead of as a separate snack. More saliva is produced during meals, which helps rinse away candy bits and acids.


Candy isn't the only culprit when it comes to added sugar. Sodas can have up to 11 teaspoons of sugar per serving. To add insult to injury, sodas also contain phosphoric and citric acids, which eat away at tooth enamel. Diet soft drinks let you skip the sugar, but they may have even more acid in the form of the artificial sweeteners.

Opening Stuff With Your Teeth

Opening bottle caps or plastic packaging with your teeth may be convenient, but this is one habit that makes dentists cringe. Using your teeth as tools can cause them to crack or chip. Instead, keep scissors and bottle openers handy. Bottom line, your teeth should only be used for eating.

Sports Drinks

There's no doubt a cold sports drink is refreshing after a good workout. But these drinks are usually high in sugar. Like soda or candy, sugary sports drinks create an acid attack on the enamel of your teeth. Drinking them frequently can lead to decay. A better way to stay hydrated at the gym is to chug sugar-free, calorie-free water.

Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, but unfortunately most juices are also loaded with sugar. Some juices can have as much sugar per serving as soda. For example, there are only 10 more grams of sugar in orange soda than in orange juice. Fruits are naturally sweet, so look for juice that has no added sugar. You can also reduce the sugar content by diluting juice with some water.

Potato Chips

The bacteria in plaque will also break down starchy foods into acid. This acid can attack the teeth for the next 20 minutes -- even longer if the food is stuck between the teeth or you snack often. You might want to floss after eating potato chips or other starchy foods that tend to get stuck in the teeth.

Constant Snacking

Snacking produces less saliva than a meal, leaving food bits in your teeth for hours longer. Avoid snacking too frequently, and stick to snacks that are low in sugar and starch -- for example, carrot sticks.

Chewing on Pencils

Do you ever chew on your pencil when concentrating on work or studies? Like crunching on ice, this habit can cause teeth to chip or crack. Sugarless gum is a better option when you feel the need to chew. It will trigger the flow of saliva, which can make teeth stronger and protect against enamel-eating acids.

Drinking Coffee

Coffee's dark color and acidity can cause yellowing of the teeth over time. Fortunately, it's one of the easiest stains to treat with various whitening methods. Talk to your dentist if you're concerned about discoloration of your teeth.


Cigarettes, as well as other tobacco products, can stain teeth and cause them to fall out as a result of gum disease. Tobacco can also cause cancer of the mouth, lips, and tongue. If you were looking for one more reason to quit, think of your smile.

Drinking Red Wine

The acids in wine eat away at tooth enamel, creating rough spots that make teeth more vulnerable to staining. Red wine also contains a deep pigment called chromogen and tannins, which help the color stick to the teeth. This combination makes it easy for the wine's red color to stay with you long after your glass is empty.

Binge Eating

Binge eating often involves excessive amounts of sweets, which can lead to tooth decay. Binging and purging (bulimia nervosa) can do even more damage to your dental health. The strong acids found in vomit can erode teeth, making them brittle and weak. These acids also cause bad breath. Bulimia can lead to a variety of serious health problems, so be sure to talk to your doctor if you have been purging.

Recommended CMM's Supplements for Dental health & Care

L Asphartic Acid Nano Chelated Calcium (Herbal)

As the WHO points out, “people don’t die of disease , but die of ignorance.”
Cause calcium is the foundation of life. Lowering of calcium leads to various organs’ function decline and even life-threatening. Human natural lifespan is more than 120 years old, but when people are around 70 years old, cause long-term calcium deficiency, people will die.

1.  What diseases will be caused by calcium deficiency? 
According to data analysis from WHO: among the 135 underlying diseases, more than 120 of them are associated with calcium deficiency, such as Osteoporosis, osteoproliferation hypertension, cardiovascular disease, arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, lithiasis, anaphylactic disease, hepatic pathological changes, nephrotic syndrome, premenstrual syndrome and some other cancers.

2.  Can CMM Calcium (L-Aspartic Amino Acid Chelated Clcium) reduce the blood sugar of diabetes patients?
Yes, CMM calcium itself is not antidiabetic medication, but it can assist to reduce blood glucose by improving the synthesis and secretion of insulin, improving the sensitivity of the insulin receptor and so on, among diabetes patients who have taken CMM calcium, most people’s blood glucose drops gradually and steadily. They can lessen the intake of anti-diabetes medication or even stop after taking CMM products.

3.  Can regular calcium supplement prevent heart disease?
Yes, a new research shows, calcium supplement can help lower blood pressure of patients with hypertension significantly. It not only can prevent hypertension, but also can prevent heart disease.

4.  Can calcium prevent arteriosclerosis?
Yes! New research from USA and some other countries shows: calcium supplement can help decrease excessive blood pressure to normal level.

5.  Does calcium supplement have beautifying effects?
After taking CMM calcium?many people show that their face rosy and skin supple and soft. calcium supplement can inhibit generation of wrinkle, control senile plaque, calcium can also help to make hair keep normal luster.

6.  Why calcium supplement is critically important to pregnant women?
Calcium deficiency can cause skeleton and teeth agenesis, calcium deficiency can also cause newborn teething delay. Rickets will happen easily. It also affects the children’s future intellectual growth. At the same time, newborn who is lack of calcium have weak immune system?most of them are feeble and sick.

7.  Why can intake of CMM calcium before sleep help the children to grow tall?
Clinically proved, for the children, during sleeping, endocrinium shows its most active, it also releases most growth hormone. Growth hormone is catalyst that help children to grow tall, at this time with the intake of L-Aspartic Amino Acid Chelated Calcium, it can accelerate bone calcification and maturity, and children will grow taller.

8.  Can patients with sequela of apoplexy take CMM calcium?
Yes .modern science research shows that, calcium deficiency and metabolic calcium disorder are important factors which cause hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Patients with arteriosclerosis or hypertension once had cerebrovascular accident will be hemiplegic, have language disorders or suffer Vascular dementia. Sufficient calcium supplement can improve brain microcirculation, then this can prevent recurrence of cerebral apoplexy.

9.  Is CMM calcium in favor of tumor patient?
According to the report from USA: big amount intake of calcium gives amazing cure rate to colon cancer patients.

Mechanism as follows:

Cancer tissue is an acid environment, calcium is alkaline substance. With calcium supplement, a neutral zone will be formed in some parts, and this can inhibit cancer cell growth, then supply a good condition which is suitable for normal cells.Calcium can improve antibody-forming, enhance body immunity, strengthen the ability to identify and clean cancer cells.

Cordyceps Calcium

Cordyceps militaris is a rare Chinese herbal medicine and is listed as one of China’ s three tonics with ginseng and cartialgenous. odern science found that Chinese cordyceps militaris has much more magical effects, Chinese cordyceps militaris not only has regulating function to various organs of the human bodies, but alssome direct resistance functions.

1. Resist internal tumour, clear up oldest dead cell tissue, beat back external virus, bacterium and some other microbial infection.

2. Directly resist tumour Extractive of cordyceps militaris has definite function to restrain and kill tumour cells. Cordyceps contains cordycepin which is the base to resist the tumour. Clinically cordycepin is mostly used to assist to cure cancer.91.7% of the patients’ symptoms have remitted, it is mainly used to help cure rhinocarcinoma, oropharyngeal cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, cerebral cancer and other patients with malignant tumor.
3. Increase cells energy and resist fatigue.

4. Regulate heart function Cordyceps millitaris can improve myocardial anxic tolerance, reduce Cardiac oxygen consumption. Resist arrhythmia.

5. Regulate liver function Cordyceps millitaris can reduce harm from toxic substances, prevent the occurrence of liver fibrosis. In addition, by regulating immune function, cordyceps can also help to enhance anti-virus ability and can also play an important role in preventing viral hepatitis.

6. Regulate respiratory system function Cordyceps millitaris has the function of dilating the bronchial tube, relieving asthma, eliminating phlegm, preventing emphysema.

7. Regulate kidney function Cordyceps millitaris can relieve chronic renal lesions, improve kidney function, relieve the harm from toxic substances to the kidney.

8. Regulate hematopoiesis function Cordyceps millitaris can enhance the marrow ability to generate platelet, red blood cell, white blood cell.

9. Regulate blood fat Cordyceps millitaris can reduce the content of cholesterol and triglyceride in blood, improve high-density lipoprotein which is beneficial to humans, reduce atherosderosis.

Cordyceps millitaris Aspartic Acid Chelated Calcium makes a perfect combination of calcium and cordyceps. Active ingredients are collected from cordyceps sporocarp. With advanced nanominiaturization and spray drying technology, calcium and L-acid are chelated together, the products are of good water-solubility, structural-stable, easy absorbed by human.

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